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Board of Directors Meeting Highlights – January 2021

Board of Directors Meeting Highlights – January 21st, 2021

On Thursday, January 21, 2021, the Board of Directors of the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) held its regular monthly meeting electronically.

Highlights from the meeting include:

  • Conservation Authorities’ Working Group Established by the Province:
  • With the recent formation of a Conservation Authorities’ Working Group, the Board instructed that correspondence be sent to the Province requesting NPCA representation on the Committee.

Restoration Project Approvals - November 2020 Application:
The Board of Directors approved 46 restoration project applications for 2021 received through the NPCA Restoration Grant Program at a projected total cost of $203,481.65. The selected projects are anticipated to result in 18.86 hectares of reforestation, 3 hectares of existing forest restoration, 2.16 hectares of wetlands creation, 3.1km of new or improved hedgerows, 1.36 hectares of riparian restoration and 3 agricultural best management practices projects.

Postponement of Annual General Meeting:
Due to the Covid pandemic and the ensuing provincial lockdowns, the Board of Directors approved rescheduling the Annual General Meeting from February to June of 2021. As a result, the current Board Chair and Vice Chair were affirmed to remain in place until the June Annual General Meeting.
Along with this, the current term of Board Members appointed to Committees, along with the term of each respective NPCA Committee Chair and Vice Chair was extended until the end of 2021. Concurrently, the appointments to Niagara Peninsula Conservation Foundation and Conservation Ontario Council were extended until the end of 2021.

Improvements to NPCA Passive Conservation Areas:
The Board of Directors discussed the importance of passive, non-revenue generating Conservation Areas which had seen a significant increase in usage during 2020. As a result, the Board adopted a resolution directing staff to bring forward a report and 5-year plan illustrating, on a priority basis, proposed improvements to the passive conservation areas in the NPCA watershed.

Links to Minutes and Video: