Grant Programs
Well Decommissioning Grant Program
Well Decommissioning
Abandoned or unused water wells represent a direct threat to groundwater supplies as contaminants applied to the surface may easily flow through these open conduits and reach the water table. While the exact number is currently not known, abandoned water wells in the NPCA watershed number in the thousands. It is recognized that the decommissioning or “plugging and sealing” of abandoned water wells is a legal requirement of the property owner according to provincial regulation; however, decommissioning costs can be prohibitive.
The NPCA is pleased to offer a grant program to watershed residents for the plugging and sealing of abandoned or unused water wells. The NPCA Water Well Decommissioning Program provides an 80% grant rate to a maximum amount of $1,000 per well, with a maximum of two wells per property. Watershed residents interested in this grant program must read and follow the Terms & Conditions for Funding Assistance and Project Eligibility Criteria before filling out the application. Applications received by the NPCA will be assessed individually on a first-come-first-serve basis.
What projects are eligible?
- Grants are available for the decommissioning of unused water wells only.
- Oil wells, gas wells, beach wells and cisterns are not eligible under this program. Please contact the Ministry of Natural Resources at 519-873-4634 for information regarding oil and gas well decommissioning.
Project Details
- All work must be completed by an Ontario Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks (MECP), licensed well contractor in accordance with O.Reg. 903
- To find a licensed well contractor in your area, visit MECP’s Directory of Licensed Well Contractors in Ontario or contact the Wells Help Desk (toll free) at 1-888-396-9355.
How to Apply
You are required to print and submit by mail, hand-deliver, fax or email the completed application form to the NPCA.
NPCA Water Well Decommissioning Grant Application Form.
Please contact the NPCA to verify program eligibility and to answer any questions/concerns you may have about the program and/or the application process. This is a voluntary program and all calls are confidential.