On Thursday, June 18, 2020, the Board of Directors of the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority held its regular monthly meeting electronically. Highlights from the meeting include:
Report on Covid-19 Pandemic – Financial Impact and Recovery Planning:
The Board received a report from staff regarding the business continuity, operational response, recovery planning and financial impact of the current state of emergency resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Lakewood Beach Development – Board Update
The Board received an information report from staff on the proposed Lakewood Beach development in response to questions raised by a prior delegation from Save Wainfleet - Keep It Rural.
Acquisition of Land 5050 Harrison Road, Binbrook Conservation Area, City of Hamilton
Staff reported on the purchase of a small portion of land from the City of Hamilton adjacent to a roadway and abutting the Binbrook Conservation Area. The subject parcel, being 0.06 hectare (0.14 acre) was purchased for the sum of $2.00.
Long Beach Comfort Station
The Board of Directors approved a capital contract award to Duomax Development Ltd. for the construction of a comfort station at Long Beach. The new facility is designed to replace an aging 30-plus year old building and to accommodate a recent expansion to camping accommodations.
Governance Committee Terms of Reference and 2020 Work Plan
The Board approved an annual workplan for its Governance Committee and updated the Committee’s Terms of Reference for inclusion in an updated Administrative by-law.
Board Training
The Board approved training topics for Directors for the remainder of 2020 and into 2021 pending practicality and subject to constraints posed by the ongoing pandemic.
Per Diem and Honourarium Update
A report was forwarded to the NPCA Board from the Governance Committee to provide clarity on what would qualify as a Board Member per diem or honourarium. These particulars would be included in revisions to the Administrative By-law.
Delegations at Electronic Meetings
As the NPCA continues to adjust its meeting processes in light of the ongoing pandemic, the Board reversed a previous decision to allow only written submissions during a declared state of emergency. Delegations will now also be allowed to present via video link when Board meetings are held electronically.
Links to Minutes and Video: