On Thursday, October 22nd, 2020, the Board of Directors of the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) held its regular monthly meeting electronically. Highlights from the meeting include:
Water Quality Notification and Communication Approach
The Board received a report advising that in 2021, the NPCA will begin utilizing a suite of communication resources and tools customized for a diverse range of stakeholders when issuing both its annual Water Quality Monitoring Summary and the Watershed Report Cards (issued every 5 years). The Board was informed that this would entail wide distribution of the report to the local municipalities and other stakeholders followed up with information sessions, presentations and discussions with each municipality as well as with special interest groups on issues, concerns and proposed best practices.
Haldimand County Lake Erie Hazard Mapping
The Board approved Haldimand County Lake Erie Hazard Mapping completed by W.F. Baird & Associates Coastal Engineers for use in the administration of the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority’s Section 28 Regulation (Ontario Regulation 155/06 ‘Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses’) and in dealing with matters pursuant to the Planning Act as they pertain to natural hazards.
Fee Schedule Amendment – Inclusion of Compliance Surcharge
The Board approved amendments to its Planning and Regulations Fee Schedule to include a new compliance surcharge and administration fee, effective November 2, 2020 with details of the amendment to be posted on the NPCA website and distributed to the watershed municipalities within the NPCA jurisdiction.
Niagara Region's Proposed Woodland By-Law
With the Regional Municipality of Niagara poised to implement its new Woodland By-Law, the Board authorized staff to enter into any new service level agreements with the Region, as needed to facilitate By-Law implementation.
Code of Conduct Complaint Procedure
The Board adopted a new Code of Conduct Complaint Procedure and authorized staff to execute agreements, as appropriate, with partner municipalities to facilitate shared services of Integrity Commissioners.
Updated Administrative By-Law
The Board adopted an updated and revised Administrative By-Law with numerous changes including updates to hearing procedures, a new Code of Conduct for Board Members and revisions to allow for electronic meetings during emergencies.
Board Evaluation Process
In fulfillment of a specific recommendation within the The Auditor General’s Special Audit of the NPCA, the Board approved a self-evaluation process to improve its oversight of the organization and to regularly evaluate both its collective performance and the performance of individual Board members.

Louth Falls in the Autumn season