We are pleased to announce that the NPCA and Mark Brickell have resolved the issues arising from Mr. Brickell’s departure from the NPCA.
COMMENT FROM NPCA BOARD CHAIR, DAVE BYLSMA: Mark Brickell assumed the role of CAO at the NPCA during a very public and highly controversial time. We appreciate the passion that Mark Brickell brought to the role and his desire to create a professional, positive and high-performing workplace. We also appreciate the improvements he made in managing capital spending, growing revenues and delivering surpluses. Notably, Mr. Brickell’s financial leadership of the NPCA was confirmed by the “clean” 2018 financial audit conducted by KPMG. With a new Board governing the NPCA, this is an opportunity to make a fresh start and we are looking to continue to move the Organization forward with a goal of becoming just that – a professional, positive and high-performing workplace.
COMMENT FROM MARK BRICKELL: I am proud of what I accomplished at the NPCA. I was hired to guide the NPCA at a very challenging time and led the NPCA through a successful audit by the Auditor General of Ontario. While the organization still has improvements to make, I was able to successfully initiate many processes that have begun the development towards creating an efficient and productive environment focused on best business practices while balancing the management of our natural resources.
The NPCA Board wishes former CAO Mark Brickell well on his future endeavours.