Watershed Restoration

Restoration Program


The NPCA is taking action to restore and improve water quality, wildlife habitat and forest cover across the NPCA watershed.

The annual Restoration Grant Program envisions: ‘Fostering collaboration among partners in the watershed to protect and restore water quality and diverse habitats by completing projects that meet the long-term mandate of the NPCA.’

The Niagara Peninsula watershed is highly degraded in contrast to what conservation literature suggests is required for a healthy and sustainable watershed. NPCA water quality monitoring results reflect this indicating that most of the surface waters in the Niagara Peninsula watershed are either poor or impaired.


The Restoration Program is shaped by the following Guiding Principles:

  1. Embracing partnerships and shared responsibility;
  2. Leveraging funding opportunities for an incentive-based cost sharing program;
  3. Promoting of adaptive management to meet the changing needs on the landscape;
  4. Conveying awareness of the benefits of environmental restoration and to celebrate success.

The top line Goals of the Restoration Program are to:

  1. Improve water quality, wildlife habitat, and forest cover to the benefit of local ecosystems and the overall health of the watershed;
  2. Monitor, assess, and communicate the change of these conditions in the watershed; and
  3. Enable innovative approaches, partnerships, and solutions to improve water quality, wildlife habitat, and forest cover.

Who can apply?

  1. Private Landowners
  2. Incorporated Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
  3. Non-incorporated organizations (Nature Clubs, “Friends of” organizations)



Native Trees & Plants- Our Restoration Work

As the public becomes more concerned about the environment, the interest in the preservation and restoration of native plant communities increases as well. Native plants are valued for their economic, ecological, genetic, and aesthetic benefits in addition to the growing societal belief in their intrinsic value as living species.

Using native plants to restore the landscape or as a substitute for exotic ornamental plantings can help to reverse the trend of species loss. Although the methods may differ, native plants require the same level of care in installation and establishment as do ornamental plants. If the environment has been altered significantly through human activities, some work will be necessary to recreate an environment more hospitable to natives. However, in the long run, natives will, in most cases, form self-sustaining plant communities that do not require much maintenance.

The NPCA uses native trees and shrubs in all of its restoration program projects and initiatives. To find local native trees, plants, and shrubs supplier, visit our Conservation webpage. For more on our Community Outreach and Engagement work, visit our Get Involved section.