On Friday May 21st, 2021, the Board of Directors of the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) held its regular monthly meeting electronically. Highlights from the meeting included:
2020 Audited Financial Statements & Audit Findings
The Board received a presentation from the NPCA’s Auditor, Scott Plugers of KPMG LLP and approved the 2020 Audited Financial Statements and the 2020 Audit Findings Report.
Vacant and Surplus Lands in Niagara-on-the-Lake – Letter from Regional Chair Jim Bradley
The Board of Directors endorsed correspondence received from the Niagara Regional Chair Jim Bradley, addressed to the Minister of Transportation of Ontario, the Honourable Caroline Mulroney, and the federal Minister of Transport, the Honourable Omar Alghabra, regarding the creation of an Eco Park in the Glendale District of Niagara-on-the-Lake. The Board requested that the NPCA’s letter of endorsement be sent to the federal Minister of Transport, provincial Minister of Transportation as well as copied to all parties noted in Chair Bradley’s correspondence. The Board also directed that separate correspondence from the NPCA Chair and CAO be sent to the four Members of Parliament within the watershed encouraging them to actively pursue this transaction.
Binbrook Conservation Area Capital Funding Plan Update
The Board received an update on the Binbrook Capital Projects funded by the City of Hamilton. A budget of $1.210M was put in place to support capital projects at the Binbrook Conservation Area. Total expenditures incurred by the end of the 2020 fiscal year totaled $138,873.72 with present and future projects to be funded by the City of Hamilton over a 15-year repayment period.
NPCA Officer Appointments
The Board approved the appointment of three NPCA officers under the Conservation Authorities Act to better enable enforcement of Section 29 of the Act, for the protection and preservation of NPCA land holdings. Their roles are an essential addition at this time due to a marked increase of visitors to NPCA conservation areas over the past three years. Due to these staff appointments, the NPCA will be better equipped to address, respond to, and manage the increase in visitation to NPCA conservation areas, while ensuring the health and safety of visitors and staff through effective enforcement of NPCA rules and regulations.
Natural Resources Canada - 2 Billion Trees Request for Information (RFI)
The Board approved the NPCA’s proposal as part of the Natural Resources Canada’s ‘Growing Canada’s Forests’ 2 Billion Trees initiative Request for Information (RFI). The NPCA engaged with local and regional stakeholders for support in this endeavor. The main strategy of the RFI response is to communicate to the federal government a strong local partnership aspiring to collaborate towards a large-scale tree planting program that is supported by science.
2021 Operating and Capital Budgets
The Board approved the Final 2021 Operating and Capital Budgets for the NPCA. Additionally, the funding of 6 projects in the amount of $1,757,204 were approved to be funded from reserves, following the Board-approved Reserve Policy. Further, Staff requested authorization to address critical pressures as funding becomes available.
Links to Agendas, Minutes and Video

NPCA logo on background of green trees and blue skies