Ball’s Falls
Ball’s Falls
Lincoln, Ontario

Binbrook, Ontario

Chippawa Creek
Chippawa Creek
Wellandport, Ontario

Long Beach
Long Beach
Wainfleet, Ontario

Lincoln, Ontario
Beamer Memorial
Beamer Memorial
Grimsby, Ontario
Binbrook Tract
Binbrook Tract
Binbrook, Ontario
Dunnville, Ontario
Cave Springs
Cave Springs
Lincoln, Ontario
Comfort Maple
Comfort Maple
Fenwick, Ontario
E.C. Brown
E.C. Brown
Welland, Ontario
Fenwick, Ontario
Gord Harry Trail
Gord Harry Trail
Port Colborne, Ontario
Hedley Forest
Hedley Forest
Haldimand, Ontario
Humberstone Marsh
Humberstone Marsh
Port Colborne, Ontario
Jordan Harbour
Jordan Harbour
Lincoln, Ontario
Morgan’s Point
Morgan’s Point
Wainfleet, Ontario
Beamsville, Ontario
Mud Lake
Mud Lake
Port Colborne, Ontario
Port Davidson
Port Davidson
West Lincoln, Ontario
Ruigrok Tract
Ruigrok Tract
Haldimand, Ontario
Shriners Creek
Shriners Creek
Niagara Falls, Ontario
Smith Ness
Smith Ness
Niagara Falls, Ontario
St. Johns
St. Johns
Fonthill, Ontario
Fort Erie, Ontario
Two Mile Creek
Two Mile Creek
Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario
Virgil, Ontario
Wainfleet Bog
Wainfleet Bog
Wainfleet, Ontario
Wainfleet Wetlands
Wainfleet Wetlands
Wainfleet, Ontario
Willoughby Marsh
Willoughby Marsh
Niagara Falls, Ontario
Grimsby, Ontario
Chippawa Creek
Winter Weather Notice
Conservation areas remain open daily from sunrise to sunset for passive winter recreation such as hiking and birdwatching. However, note that natural trails are not maintained for winter recreation such as cross-country skiing, and parking lots and sidewalks will be maintained on a ‘as-required’ basis.
Visitors are reminded to take precaution and prepare appropriately for the weather and trail conditions, especially when inclement weather and conditions may arise. In the event of inclement weather, NPCA conservation areas remain open, but activities and services may be limited and facilities may be closed. Please expect maintenance delays in the event of heavy snowfall.
Check NPCA conservation area pages on Facebook for closure postings, as these are updated regularly.
Chippawa Creek is a splendid example of conservation in action. The NPCA’s resource management practices have fostered an ideal wildlife habitat that offers rare public access to the Welland River. Recreationalists and naturalists alike will enjoy a variety of opportunities and activities that is uncommon in the southernmost part of Ontario. Many visitors to Chippawa Creek used to think they had to drive north for the experiences available here.
Dils Lake, a 10 hectare man made reservoir, is the perfect spot for a variety of outdoor activities including non-motorized boating, swimming and fishing. Equipped with wheelchair-accessible fishing piers and trails, the lake is populated by a variety of fish species including large mouth bass, crappie and carp and is a favourite amongst area anglers, many of whom attend the annual Bass Derby held each July. Additional events hosted by the Campers’ Recreation Committee include Canada Day parade, Halloween Celebrations, and Christmas in July.
In addition to offering 156 campsites, the vast open areas can be used year round. Popular summer activities include hiking the 1.1 km trail around Dils Lake, group picnics, or just relaxing in the shade near the water. Please note, bookings open in April of every year.
A small boat launch and access to the Welland River entice explorers to check out one of Niagara’s main watercourses. A sheltered pavilion is available for public use or by reservation. Chippawa Creek Conservation Area is a dog-friendly park, but all four-legged friends must be on a leash.
Rules and regulations
- All rules and regulations must be followed at all times.
- Admission fees apply.
- Fishing in Dils Lake is permitted.
- Alcohol is strictly prohibited in day-use areas.
- Chippawa Creek Conservation Area is a dog-friendly park, but all four-legged friends must be on a leash.
Alcohol Ban: There is a total alcohol ban for Victoria Day and Labour Day Long Weekends.
It is recommended that guests refrain from using charcoal when bbqing and instead, opt for the use of propane. Please note there are no receptacles to dispose of hot coals on-site and this poses a fire hazard.
Conservation Area Strategy
The NPCA developed a Conservation Area Strategy (CA Strategy) focused on sustainable management, long-term planning, and alignment with NPCA's strategic goals, ensuring compliance with the Conservation Authorities Act. The CA Strategy provides high-level guidance for managing NPCA conservation areas, focusing on biodiversity, climate change, invasive species, and greenspace accessibility, with specific site priorities to be outlined in future management and action plans starting in 2025. LEARN MORE.
Land Inventory
NPCA’s Land Inventory identifies every parcel of land that NPCA owns and includes some basic information for each parcel, such as location, acquisition date, method, and land use category, among others. The Land Inventory will be reviewed and updated from time to time and is an internal document that is not available online.
Camping Season: Friday of the Victoria Day long weekend through Thanksgiving Monday.
You’ve waited for this all winter. No TV, no computer, no responding to text messages or emails … it’s just you and your family and friends taking care of the important things - telling stories, singing songs, eating s’mores and making memories. It’s time to disconnect from busy and reconnect with nature, and each other.
Reminder: Guests must have an account to reserve a campsite or picnic pavilion.
Complete this step in advance to save time in the reservation process at: https://niagara.goingtocamp.com/login
Seasonal Camping Rates
Camping 15Amp - $3,320.20
Camping 15Amp Premium - $3,635.67
Camping 30Amp - $3,793.57
Camping 30Amp Premium - $4,101.44
MNRF Fishing Regulations apply at the Conservation Area. For more information, please visit https://www.ontario.ca/page/fishing or https://www.ontario.ca/document/ontario-fishing-regulations-summary.
There is absolutely no fishing during off season.
Please note that Catch and Release policy applies for all NPCA Conservation Areas except St. Johns Conservation Area.
Waterbodies within the Niagara Peninsula Watershed fall into Fisheries Management Zones 16 (inland), 19 (Lake Erie and Niagara River upstream of Niagara Falls) and 20 (Lake Ontario and Niagara River below Niagara Falls).
Buy Your NaturePlus Pass (Annual Membership)
The NaturePlus Pass provides unlimited access to Conservation Areas across the Niagara Peninsula watershed.
It offers fantastic value to outdoor and nature enthusiasts who step into nature regularly at NPCA conservation areas with entry for one vehicle and its occupants to parks where fees apply. Those who visit on a regular basis and purchase this pass have found that after a few visits, the pass will have paid for itself.
When you purchase a pass, you help ensure the conservation areas receive the necessary resources for proper management, guaranteeing that these natural gems are enjoyed responsibly and protected for the benefit of current and future generations.
Beach Conditions & Water Quality
Natural bodies of water are great places to play, swim and cool off on a hot sunny day. However, swimming in these areas is not risk-free. There is always a level of risk when swimming in a natural water body, whether it's on the shores of Lake Erie, jumping off a dock at a cottage or going to an NPCA beach.
Natural water bodies, such as rivers and reservoirs, are exposed to contamination from various sources. The conditions and quality of the water can change quickly due to a number of environmental factors. These factors can influence the level of bacteria in the water to the point where it increases the risk of getting sick. LEARN MORE.
Chippawa Creek est un exemple magnifique de protection de l’environnement. Les pratiques de gestion des ressources de Conservation Niagara ont encouragé un habitat sauvage idéal en offrant un accès public rare à la rivière Welland. Les amateurs de loisirs de plein air et les naturalistes auront la possibilité de participer à de multiples activités rares dans le sud de l’Ontario.
Dils Lake, un réservoir artificiel de 10 hectares, est l’endroit idéal pour diverses activités de plein air, y compris les embarcations non motorisées, la natation et la pêche. Dils Lake a des quais de pêche accessibles aux personnes en fauteuil roulant, des sentiers, et le lac est peuplé d’une variété d’espèces de poissons incluant l’Achigan à grande bouche, la marigane et la carpe. Les activités estivales populaires incluent le camping saisonnier et temporaire, l’escalade de la piste de 1,1 km, les pique-niques, ou simplement la relaxation à l’ombre près de l’eau.
- All visitors must register at the office prior to entering the park.
- All campsites require a permit per vehicle (Only two vehicles per site). Permits are non-transferable. “Additional vehicle permits” are required for extra vehicle(s). The registered camper is responsible for the visitors.
- “Excessive noise,” “discriminatory/ harassing/ abusive/ insulting language” or “disturbing others” is prohibited. Be considerate of your neighbor, and staff!
- QUIET HOURS BEGIN AT 11PM! Radios must be off, and no extreme noise created.
- Pets (Max: 2 per site) must always be leashed (maximum 2 meters). NO pets allowed in washrooms, showers or beach. “Noise” regulations also apply to pets.
- Maximum number of 6 persons per campsite.
- Alcohol & cannabis are allowed on your campsite ONLY please be courteous. Exception: during a total alcohol & cannabis ban where no alcohol & cannabis is allowed.
- Campsites must be always kept clean. Trash must be deposited in central bins. Failure to do so is littering.
- When vacating the campsite, visitors are required to clean up the site and dispose of trash inside of appropriate trash or recycling containers.
- Campfires must be of reasonable size, be ALWAYS kept under adult control, and 3m away from forest or flammables. Fires must be extinguished prior to leaving the pit unattended. Fireplaces are for camping/cooking fires ONLY. Burning of trash items is littering.
- Fireworks of any sort are prohibited.
- Generators are only allowed for medical reasons and MUST be approved by the park superintendent prior to use.
- Day Passes and Membership passes are valid from 8am to 8pm.
- Maximum of 2 sleeping shelters (E.g., Tent & Trailer), and one dining tent allowed per campsite. Only one shelter may be “wheeled” or “solid wall” equipment.
- Damage of any kind, (E.g., Growth, removal of deadwood, use of screws/ nails on trees, failure to remove rope/wire from trees, others property) or modifications to the park (Landscaping, digging, excavating, tree trimming) is strictly prohibited.
- Gray water and sewage must be held and disposed of appropriately at the dumping station. Do not dump.
- To protect against shoreline and slope erosion, please use the public stairs/access points to go to the beach.
- All visitors are subject to regulations made under Conservation Authorities Act, R.S.O. 1990, C.27.
Rules/Regulations (excerpts from Ontario Regulation 123, made under the Conservation Authorities Act, R.S.O. 1990, C.27). Note: This summary is for convenience only and does not include all existing rules/regulations. Further regulations are listed on O. Reg. 123; and are available for viewing at www.e-laws.gov.on.ca and www.ontariocourts.on.ca
Campsite limitations/maximums may be amended at any time by the NPCA. Violation of any regulation, rule or policy of the NPCA may result in cancellation of permit(s), eviction from the property without refund, charges under applicable legislation, and prohibition from NPCA properties. The Authority reserves the right to deny entry/renewal.
Hunting is permitted at this conservation area by NPCA Permitted Hunters ONLY. See NPCA's hunting brochure to learn more about permitted species and conservation area rules and regulations. We encourage you to visit MNRF's website for hunting information, as well as the Fall 2024-Winter 2025 Regulations Summary.
Camping Season: Friday of the Victoria Day long weekend through Thanksgiving Monday.
You’ve waited for this all winter. No TV, no computer, no responding to text messages or emails … it’s just you and your family and friends taking care of the important things - telling stories, singing songs, eating s’mores and making memories. It’s time to disconnect from busy and reconnect with nature, and each other.
Reminder: Guests must have an account to reserve a campsite or picnic pavilion.
Complete this step in advance to save time in the reservation process at: https://niagara.goingtocamp.com/login
Seasonal Camping Rates
Camping 15Amp - $3,320.20
Camping 15Amp Premium - $3,635.67
Camping 30Amp - $3,793.57
Camping 30Amp Premium - $4,101.44
MNRF Fishing Regulations apply at the Conservation Area. For more information, please visit https://www.ontario.ca/page/fishing or https://www.ontario.ca/document/ontario-fishing-regulations-summary.
There is absolutely no fishing during off season.
Please note that Catch and Release policy applies for all NPCA Conservation Areas except St. Johns Conservation Area.
Waterbodies within the Niagara Peninsula Watershed fall into Fisheries Management Zones 16 (inland), 19 (Lake Erie and Niagara River upstream of Niagara Falls) and 20 (Lake Ontario and Niagara River below Niagara Falls).
Buy Your NaturePlus Pass (Annual Membership)
The NaturePlus Pass provides unlimited access to Conservation Areas across the Niagara Peninsula watershed.
It offers fantastic value to outdoor and nature enthusiasts who step into nature regularly at NPCA conservation areas with entry for one vehicle and its occupants to parks where fees apply. Those who visit on a regular basis and purchase this pass have found that after a few visits, the pass will have paid for itself.
When you purchase a pass, you help ensure the conservation areas receive the necessary resources for proper management, guaranteeing that these natural gems are enjoyed responsibly and protected for the benefit of current and future generations.
Beach Conditions & Water Quality
Natural bodies of water are great places to play, swim and cool off on a hot sunny day. However, swimming in these areas is not risk-free. There is always a level of risk when swimming in a natural water body, whether it's on the shores of Lake Erie, jumping off a dock at a cottage or going to an NPCA beach.
Natural water bodies, such as rivers and reservoirs, are exposed to contamination from various sources. The conditions and quality of the water can change quickly due to a number of environmental factors. These factors can influence the level of bacteria in the water to the point where it increases the risk of getting sick. LEARN MORE.
Chippawa Creek est un exemple magnifique de protection de l’environnement. Les pratiques de gestion des ressources de Conservation Niagara ont encouragé un habitat sauvage idéal en offrant un accès public rare à la rivière Welland. Les amateurs de loisirs de plein air et les naturalistes auront la possibilité de participer à de multiples activités rares dans le sud de l’Ontario.
Dils Lake, un réservoir artificiel de 10 hectares, est l’endroit idéal pour diverses activités de plein air, y compris les embarcations non motorisées, la natation et la pêche. Dils Lake a des quais de pêche accessibles aux personnes en fauteuil roulant, des sentiers, et le lac est peuplé d’une variété d’espèces de poissons incluant l’Achigan à grande bouche, la marigane et la carpe. Les activités estivales populaires incluent le camping saisonnier et temporaire, l’escalade de la piste de 1,1 km, les pique-niques, ou simplement la relaxation à l’ombre près de l’eau.
- All visitors must register at the office prior to entering the park.
- All campsites require a permit per vehicle (Only two vehicles per site). Permits are non-transferable. “Additional vehicle permits” are required for extra vehicle(s). The registered camper is responsible for the visitors.
- “Excessive noise,” “discriminatory/ harassing/ abusive/ insulting language” or “disturbing others” is prohibited. Be considerate of your neighbor, and staff!
- QUIET HOURS BEGIN AT 11PM! Radios must be off, and no extreme noise created.
- Pets (Max: 2 per site) must always be leashed (maximum 2 meters). NO pets allowed in washrooms, showers or beach. “Noise” regulations also apply to pets.
- Maximum number of 6 persons per campsite.
- Alcohol & cannabis are allowed on your campsite ONLY please be courteous. Exception: during a total alcohol & cannabis ban where no alcohol & cannabis is allowed.
- Campsites must be always kept clean. Trash must be deposited in central bins. Failure to do so is littering.
- When vacating the campsite, visitors are required to clean up the site and dispose of trash inside of appropriate trash or recycling containers.
- Campfires must be of reasonable size, be ALWAYS kept under adult control, and 3m away from forest or flammables. Fires must be extinguished prior to leaving the pit unattended. Fireplaces are for camping/cooking fires ONLY. Burning of trash items is littering.
- Fireworks of any sort are prohibited.
- Generators are only allowed for medical reasons and MUST be approved by the park superintendent prior to use.
- Day Passes and Membership passes are valid from 8am to 8pm.
- Maximum of 2 sleeping shelters (E.g., Tent & Trailer), and one dining tent allowed per campsite. Only one shelter may be “wheeled” or “solid wall” equipment.
- Damage of any kind, (E.g., Growth, removal of deadwood, use of screws/ nails on trees, failure to remove rope/wire from trees, others property) or modifications to the park (Landscaping, digging, excavating, tree trimming) is strictly prohibited.
- Gray water and sewage must be held and disposed of appropriately at the dumping station. Do not dump.
- To protect against shoreline and slope erosion, please use the public stairs/access points to go to the beach.
- All visitors are subject to regulations made under Conservation Authorities Act, R.S.O. 1990, C.27.
Rules/Regulations (excerpts from Ontario Regulation 123, made under the Conservation Authorities Act, R.S.O. 1990, C.27). Note: This summary is for convenience only and does not include all existing rules/regulations. Further regulations are listed on O. Reg. 123; and are available for viewing at www.e-laws.gov.on.ca and www.ontariocourts.on.ca
Campsite limitations/maximums may be amended at any time by the NPCA. Violation of any regulation, rule or policy of the NPCA may result in cancellation of permit(s), eviction from the property without refund, charges under applicable legislation, and prohibition from NPCA properties. The Authority reserves the right to deny entry/renewal.
Hunting is permitted at this conservation area by NPCA Permitted Hunters ONLY. See NPCA's hunting brochure to learn more about permitted species and conservation area rules and regulations. We encourage you to visit MNRF's website for hunting information, as well as the Fall 2024-Winter 2025 Regulations Summary.